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Here at Prospect JP Partners Financial, we are More than Brokers. We use our decades of real-world knowledge and experience to help our clients with so much more than just a Home Loan.


To help you better understand our service capabilities and options, we have packaged up our service offerings which you can find below.

Our Gold service is, as the name suggests, absolutely first class. This is our Mortgage Broker only service. Even though it’s our ‘base level’ offering, don’t worry – our ‘base level’ is already the best Mortgage Broking service you can get.

What you can expect from our Gold service offering:


  • Simply the best Mortgage Broker experience you could possibly ask for. Our highly experienced Brokers will take the time to fully understand your requirements and provide comprehensive advice and guidance to help you achieve your goals

  • Review of all of your lending arrangements

  • Full structural, strategic and product advice and placement

  • Preparation and assessment of your Home Loan application to ensure that it fully meets the chosen lender’s requirements giving you certainly of approval. Fun Fact: Our ‘loan submission to approval’ rate is currently 100% - we know the bank’s policies even better than they do, so we can give you comfort that you’ll get what we recommend 

  • We manage all aspects of your application from start to finish

  • We liaise with all partied involved in the transaction (eg: Real Estate Agents, Conveyancers, Banks, etc) to make your life easier

  • We make the whole process as simple for you as it can possibly be. We have a full complement of experienced and helpful support staff to ensure that you are looked after every step of the way

  • Post-settlement support, including

    • Initial set up of accounts and payments

    • Annual reviews to ensure your loan rate doesn’t get ‘out of the market’ so you can truly “set and forget” your home loan

    • We’re always here to answer your questions, help you manage your loan and make changes as required


Q: What is, by far, your most valuable asset?

a. Your car

b. Your home

c. Your villa in Tuscany

d. Your ability to earn an income

If you answered D, then you are correct!  We believe that as we help you get the debt, we should also help you protect yourself and your family from financial ruin in the event of death or disability. That’s why our Platinum Service Package includes our comprehensive ‘My Safety Net’ Risk Insurance service.

What you can expect from our Platinum service offering:

ALL of the above from our Gold Service Package PLUS


  • A ‘Safety Net Health Check’ to help you understand your current or proposed level of exposure

  • Education and advice to help you understand your options to protect you and your family

  • Specific product information and advice to help you set the right level of cover for your needs

  • Preparation and submission of all insurance applications

  • Management of your application from start to finish

  • We make the whole process as simple for you as it can possibly be. We have a full complement of experienced and helpful support staff so that you are looked after every step of the way

  • Post-placement support, including

    • Periodic reviews to ensure your premium doesn’t get ‘out of the market’ so you can truly “set and forget” protection

    • We’re always here to answer your questions, help you manage your cover and make changes as required


Now we’re getting serious…… Quick question for you: Do you want the home loan or do you want the home? For most of us, a home loan is an unavoidable necessity – however, it does NOT have to be a life sentence.

Leveraging our Financial Planning skills and decades of 'real world' experience, we developed our unique My Mortgage Minimiser program to help people manage their home loan debt effectively and easily and to have it paid off much, much sooner than the banks would want you to.

The My Mortgage Minimiser program employs an extremely simple, 'set and forget' loan and repayment structure which is underpinned by a personalised plan and annual reviews to keep you on track.


What you can expect from our My Mortgage Minimiser Program offering:

ALL of the above from our Gold and Platinum service PLUS


  • Custom modelling and advice to show you how to cut years off your home loan

  • Advice and establishment of all products required

  • Establishment of automated 'set and forget' repayment mechanism

  • 3mth, 6mth then annual reviews including tracking and reporting to keep you on your path to home ownership

  • Annual review and maintenance of home loan products to ensure you maintain market low rates to maximise your interest savings and Minimise your Mortgage!



What are the benefits?


  • Custom modelling and advice to show you how to cut years off your home loan

  • Massive savings in interest and loan term

  • Build a cash buffer

  • Stay ahead of the rising rate environment

  • Manage your own level of loan repayment

  • Maintain greater control of your cash flow

  • Annual reporting and reviews to ensure you stay on track.

  • You can forget about your loan because we'll check on it once a year to make sure that you maintain the lowest rates over the long term


What's the cost?

For all existing clients and those referred by our clients, this program is available absolutely free of charge. The only thing you have to lose is your debt!

My Mortgage Minimiser Program

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